
Warning! These products are highly addictive

Paraxite si riserva la facoltà di apportare le modifiche ritenute necessarie per l'evoluzione del prodotto. Pertanto qualsiasi contenuto testuale o fotografico è da considerarsi puramente indicativo. Tutti i marchi e prodotti raffigurati in questo catalogo sono utilizzati unicamente per scopi illustrativi e sono di esclusiva proprietà dei rispettivi titolari. Nessun rapporto professionale esiste tra i proprietari dei marchi e prodotti raffigurati e Paraxite. Gli allestimenti, le soluzioni proposte e rappresentate potrebbero non essere conformi alle leggi di alcuni Paesi o alla circolazione stradale. Pertanto si richiede all'acquirente di verificare che quanto sta acquistando non sia in contrasto con le normative vigenti nel proprio Stato o di quelle relative ai prodotti che intende utilizzare sul proprio veicolo. Qualsiasi fotografia, rappresentazione grafica o allestimento consigliato non sottintende perciò garanzia di conformità dei prodotti Paraxite con le normative vigenti di ogni Paese. Le soluzioni fotografate nel seguente catalogo sono esemplificative della gamma Paraxite a scopo esclusivamente illustrativo e divulgativo dei prodotti e delle relative caratteristiche; non devono considerarsi vincolanti per l’azienda. Contents, specifications and availability are subject to changes serving the technical improvement. All brands and products shown on this catalogue are used for illustrative purposes onlyand are the sole property of their respective owners. No professional relationshipexists between the owners of brands and products shown and Paraxite. The set-ups and solutions offered and depicted, may not be compliant with the law in some Countries or with traffic circulation. Therefore, the purchaser should verify that their purchases are not against the applicable laws in their Countries, or the provisions on the products they intend to use on their vehicle. Any photo, graphic representation or set-up recommended, does not imply any guarantee of compliance of Paraxite's products with the regulations in force in each Country. The solutions pictured in the following catalogue are only examples of the Paraxite range, for illustrative and informative purposes, concerning the products and their characteristics; they shall not be binding for the company.

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 1 Indice Index p. 4 PIASTRE DI STERZO STEERING PLATES LEVE LEVERS p. 6 Race Race p. 10 Street Street SEMIMANUBRI HALF HANDLEBARS p. 13 Bracciali semimanubri Half-handlebar bracelets p. 15 Tubi semimanubri Half-handlebar tubes p. 15 Accessori semimanubri Half-handlebar accessories ACCESSORI MANUBRIO HANDLEBAR ACCESSORIES p. 18 Protezioni leve Lever protections p. 20 Contrappesi manubrio Bar-ends INDICATORI DI DIREZIONE TURN SIGNALS p. 21 Project 01 Project 01 p. 22 Project 02 Project 02 TAPPI E SERBATOI CAPS AND FLUID TANKS p. 23 Serbatoi olio freno e frizione Clutch and brake oil tanks p. 24 Flange per tappo serbatoio Flange for tank caps p. 28 Tappi olio Tank caps p. 31 PROTEZIONI MOTORE ENGINE PROTECTIONS p. 34 SUPPORTI CAVALLETTO SWING ARM SPOOLS

NATI PER ESSERE CONTAGIOSI BORN TO BE CONTAGIOUS COME NASCONO I COMPONENTI SPECIALI I componenti speciali sono sviluppati da un team giovane e appassionato che infonde questa passione in ogni prodotto, creando una dipendenza positiva nell’utente finale. La zecca, simbolo del brand, riassume perfettamente questo concetto: si attacca ad ogni persona e trasferisce grosse dosi di passione. PUNTUALI E PRECISI, FINO AL TRAGUARDO Il servizio di logistica è affidato a Lampa, per una gestione avanzata degli ordini e delle spedizioni, così da soddisfare sempre il cliente finale con precisione e puntualità. L’assistenza prima, durante e dopo l’ordine è senza compromessi, in modo da rispondere ad ogni esigenza e per evadere le spedizioni in tempi record. FATTI CONTAGIARE DALLA PASSIONE! La nostra mission è quella di creare una community di piloti e amatori che siano pronti ad essere contagiati dalla passione trasmessa dal parassita, diventando anch’essi elemento chiave nel miglioramento dei nostri componenti tramite consigli e recensioni. L’EVOLUZIONE CHE PARTE DALLA PASSIONE La progettazione avviene internamente partendo dalle idee del team e dai consigli dei clienti. Questi feedback vengono poi organizzati per sviluppare i progetti, le grafiche e le produzioni che portano alla realizzazione del prodotto finito. I materiali vengono accuratamente selezionati per garantire l’impiego delle migliori leghe di alluminio, di plastiche rinforzate e di parti in carbonio. HOW SPECIAL COMPONENTS ARE BORN The special components are developed by a young and passionate team who infuse this passion into each product, creating a positive addiction on the end user. The tick, symbol of the brand, perfectly sums up this concept: it attacks itself to each person and transfers large doses of passion. PUNCTUAL AND PRECISE, RIGHT TO THE FINISH LINE The logistics service is entrusted to Lampa, for an advanced management of orders and shipments, so as to always satisfy the end customer with precision and punctuality. The assistance before, during and after the order is uncompromising, in order to respond to every need and to process shipments in record time. LET YOURSELF BE INFECTED BY PASSION! Our mission is to create a community of riders and amateurs who are ready to be infected by the passion transmitted by the parasite, also themselves becoming a key element in improving our components through advice and reviews. THE EVOLUTION THAT STARTS FROM PASSION The design takes place internally starting from the team's ideas and customer advice. This feedback is then organized to develop the projects, graphics and productions that lead to the creation of the finished product. The materials are carefully selected to guarantee the use of the best aluminum alloys, reinforced plastics and carbon parts.

INIETTATI DI PASSIONE INJECTED WITH PASSION SVILUPPATI DA MOTOCICLISTI PER MOTOCICLISTI DEVELOPED BY BIKERS FOR BIKERS La progettazione dei componenti speciali parte dallo sviluppo di semplici sketch preliminari per poi passare alla realizzazione delle matematiche che andranno a stampare il primo prototipo in 3D. Tutto lo sviluppo delle componenti viene eseguito internamente. The design of the special components starts from the development of simple preliminary sketches and then moves on to the creation of the mathematics that will alow to print the first prototype in 3D. All component development is done in-house. Grazie all’impiego di macchine a controllo numerico di ultima generazione si ottiene una lavorazione di precisione delle migliori leghe di alluminio. I componenti vengono successivamente sottoposti al processo di ossidazione anodica e brandizzati con tecnologia laser. Thanks to the use of latest generation numerical control machines, precision machining of the best aluminum alloys is obtained. The components are subsequently subjected to the anodic oxidation process and branded with laser technology.

4 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 PIASTRE DI STERZO - STEERING PLATES Piastra di sterzo in alluminio 7075 ricavata dal pieno e con successivo trattamento di anodizzazione superficiale. Offre leggerezza e resistenza contribuendo a una guida più stabile e reattiva. Il design di questo componente tecnico sviluppato interamente in italia è dedicato a chi vuole rendere unico il proprio veicolo. Steering plate made in 7075 aluminium machined from solid and with subsequent surface anodizing treatment. It offers lightness and strength, contributing to a more stable, more reactive ride. The design of this technical component developed fully in Italy is dedicated to those who want to make their vehicle unique. PIASTRE DI STERZO STEERING PLATES

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 5 PIASTRE DI STERZO - STEERING PLATES Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Note Notes ARGENTO SILVER NERO BLACK ORO GOLD ROSSO RED BLU BLUE DUCATI 1199 Panigale 01/12>12/14 PTC001S PTC001N PTC001G* PTC001R* - 1199 Panigale R 01/13>12/17 PTC001S PTC001N PTC001G* PTC001R* - 1199 Panigale S 01/13>12/14 PTC001S PTC001N PTC001G* PTC001R* - 1299 Panigale 01/15>12/17 PTC001S PTC001N PTC001G* PTC001R* - 1299 Panigale S 01/15>12/18 PTC001S PTC001N PTC001G* PTC001R* - 899 Panigale 01/13>12/15 PTC001S PTC001N PTC001G* PTC001R* - 959 Panigale 01/16>12/19 PTC001S PTC001N PTC001G* PTC001R* - Panigale V2 955 01/20> PTC001S PTC001N PTC001G* PTC001R* - Panigale V4 1100 01/18>12/21 PTC002S PTC002N PTC002G* PTC002R* - Panigale V4 1100 01/22> PTC002S PTC002N PTC002G* PTC002R* - Panigale V4 1100 S 01/18>12/21 PTC002S PTC002N PTC002G* PTC002R* - Panigale V4 1100 S 01/22> PTC002S PTC002N PTC002G* PTC002R* - MV AGUSTA F3 675 01/11>12/16 PTC003S* PTC003N PTC003G* PTC003R* - F3 675 01/11>12/16 Con chiave With key PTC003SK PTC003NK PTC003GK* PTC003RK* - F3 675 01/17>12/20 PTC003S* PTC003N PTC003G* PTC003R* - F3 675 01/17>12/20 Con chiave With key PTC003SK PTC003NK PTC003GK* PTC003RK* - F3 800 01/13>12/16 PTC003S* PTC003N PTC003G* PTC003R* - F3 800 01/13>12/16 Con chiave With key PTC003SK PTC003NK PTC003GK* PTC003RK* - F3 800 01/17>12/20 PTC003S* PTC003N PTC003G* PTC003R* - F3 800 01/17>12/20 Con chiave With key PTC003SK PTC003NK PTC003GK* PTC003RK* - F3 800 01/21> PTC003S* PTC003N PTC003G* PTC003R* - F3 800 01/21> Con chiave With key PTC003SK PTC003NK PTC003GK* PTC003RK* - YAMAHA YZF R1 01/15>12/19 PTC005S* PTC005N PTC005G* - PTC005B* YZF R1 01/15>12/19 Con chiave With key PTC005SK PTC005NK PTC005GK* - PTC005BK* YZF R1 01/20> PTC005S* PTC005N PTC005G* - PTC005B* YZF R1 01/20> Con chiave With key PTC005SK PTC005NK PTC005GK* - PTC005BK* YZF R1 M 01/15>12/19 PTC005S* PTC005N PTC005G* - PTC005B* YZF R1 M 01/15>12/19 Con chiave With key PTC005SK PTC005NK PTC005GK* - PTC005BK* YZF R1 M 01/20> PTC005S* PTC005N PTC005G* - PTC005B* YZF R1 M 01/20> Con chiave With key PTC005SK PTC005NK PTC005GK* - PTC005BK* YZF R6 01/17> PTC004S* PTC004N PTC004G* - PTC004B* YZF R6 01/17> Con chiave With key PTC004SK PTC004NK PTC004GK* - PTC004BK* DISTINTA APPLICAZIONE PIASTRE DI STERZO STEERING PLATES FITTING CHART STEERING PLATES * Disponibili su ordinazione / Available on demand

6 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 LEVE - LEVERS LEVA FRENO / FRIZIONE BRAKE / CLUTCH LEVER Il sistema di controllo remoto permette di regolare la corsa della pompa freno senza dover rientrare ai box. Lavorato dal pieno in lega di alluminio e trattato tramite ossidazione anodica superficiale, il controllo remoto è indispensabile per l’uso agonistico. Solitamente posizionato sul semi-manubrio sinistro consente di regolare la leva del freno direttamente con la mano sinistra. The remote control system allows to adjust the stroke of the master cylinder without having to go back to the pits. Machined from solid aluminum alloy and treated by surface anodic oxidation, the remote control is essential for competitive use. Usually positioned on the left semi-handlebar, it allows to adjust the brake lever directly with your left hand. CONTROLLO REMOTO PER LEVE RACE REMOTE CONTROL FOR RACE LEVERS Art. Compatibilità / Compatibility PRA001N Leve Brembo RCS PRA002N Leve Paraxite Race / Brembo corsa corta RACE La leva RACE è pensata per il mondo delle corse con un impugnatura arrotondata e speciali cuscinetti di scorrimento. È realizzata in ergal 7075, viene lavorata dal pieno e trattata tramite ossidazione anodica dura superficiale. La leva RACE permette la regolazione micrometrica della distanza tramite il registro sulla leva o controllo remoto (optional). Il sistema di snodo riduce il rischio di rottura della leva in caso di caduta. Le leve sono plug&play e compatibili con i microinterruttori di serie delle moto. The RACE lever is designed for the racing world with a rounded grip and special sliding bearings. It is made of ergal 7075, machined from solid and treated by surface hard anodic oxidation. The RACE lever allows the micrometric adjustment of the distance using the register on the lever or remote control (optional). The joint system reduces the risk of breaking the lever in the event of a fall. The levers are plug&play and compatible with the motorcycle's standard microswitches.

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 7 LEVE - LEVERS Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Leva freno Brake Lever Tipo Type Leva frizione Clutch Lever Tipo Type APRILIA RS660 01/21> PBL010N A PCL010N C RSV4 1100 01/21> PBL010N A PCL010N C Tuono 660 01/21> PBL010N A PCL010N C Tuono 660 Factory 01/22> PBL010N A PCL010N C Tuono V4 1100 01/21> PBL010N A PCL010N C BMW S 1000 R 01/14>12/16 PBL006N A PCL006N C S 1000 R 01/17>12/20 PBL006N A PCL006N C S 1000 RR 01/09>12/11 PBL006N A PCL006N C S 1000 RR 01/12>12/14 PBL006N A PCL006N C S 1000 RR 01/15>12/18 PBL006N A PCL006N C S 1000 RR 01/19>12/20 PBL005N A PCL005N C S 1000 RR 01/21>12/22 PBL005N A PCL005N C S 1000 RR 01/23> PBL005N A PCL005N C DUCATI 1098 01/06>12/11 PBL001N A PCL001N B 1198 01/09>12/12 PBL001N A PCL001N B 1199 Panigale 01/12>12/14 PBL001N A PCL001N B 1199 Panigale R 01/13>12/17 PBL001N A PCL001N B 1199 Panigale S 01/13>12/14 PBL001N A PCL001N B 1299 Panigale 01/15>12/17 PBL001N A PCL001N B 1299 Panigale S 01/15>12/18 PBL001N A PCL001N B 749 01/03>12/07 PBL001N A PCL001N B 848 01/07>12/13 PBL001N A PCL001N B 899 Panigale 01/13>12/15 PBL001N A PCL001N B 959 Panigale 01/16>12/19 PBL001N A PCL001N B 999 01/02>12/06 PBL001N A PCL001N B Diavel 1200 01/10>12/18 PBL001N A PCL001N B Diavel 1260 01/19>12/22 PBL001N A PCL001N B Ducati Diavel V4 01/23> PBL001N A PCL009N B Hypermotard 1100 01/07>12/09 PBL001N A PCL001N B Hypermotard 1100 EVO 01/10>12/12 PBL001N A PCL001N B Hypermotard 950 01/19>12/21 PBL001N A PCL001N B Hypermotard 950 01/22> PBL001N A PCL001N B Monster 1100 01/09>12/10 PBL001N A PCL001N B Monster 1200 01/14>12/20 PBL001N A PCL001N B Monster 937 01/21> PBL012N A PCL012N B Monster S4R 01/03>12/05 PBL001N A PCL001N B Monster S4R 01/06>12/08 PBL001N A PCL001N B Multistrada 1260 01/18>12/20 PBL001N A PCL001N B Multistrada 950 01/18>12/21 PBL001N A PCL001N B Multistrada V4 1100 01/21> PBL009N A PCL009N C Panigale V2 955 01/20> PBL001N A PCL001N B Panigale V4 1100 01/18>12/21 PBL001N A PCL001N B Panigale V4 1100 01/22> PBL012N A PCL012N B Panigale V4 1100 S 01/18>12/21 PBL001N A PCL001N B Panigale V4 1100 S 01/22> PBL012N A PCL012N B Streetfighter 01/09>12/12 PBL001N A PCL001N B Streetfighter S 01/09>12/14 PBL001N A PCL001N B Streetfighter 848 01/11>12/15 PBL001N A PCL001N B Streetfighter V2 955 01/22> PBL012N A PCL012N B DISTINTA APPLICAZIONE LEVE FRENO / FRIZIONE BRAKE / CLUTCH LEVER FITTING CHART RACE

8 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 LEVE - LEVERS Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Leva freno Brake Lever Tipo Type Leva frizione Clutch Lever Tipo Type Streetfighter V4 1100 01/21>12/22 PBL012N A PCL012N B Streetfighter V4 1100 01/23> PBL012N A PCL012N B Streetfighter V4 1100 S 01/21>12/22 PBL012N A PCL012N B Streetfighter V4 1100 S 01/23> PBL012N A PCL012N B XDiavel 1262 01/16>12/20 PBL001N A PCL001N B XDiavel 1262 01/21> PBL001N A PCL001N B HONDA CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade SP 01/20>12/23 PBL007N A PCL007N C CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade SP 01/24> PBL007N A PCL007N C KAWASAKI Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/17>12/20 PBL004N A PCL004N C Ninja 1000 ZX-10RR 01/17>12/20 PBL004N A PCL004N C Ninja 1000 ZX-10RR 01/21> PBL011N A PCL011N C Ninja 300 01/12>12/16 PBL003N A PCL003N C Ninja 400 01/18>12/21 PBL003N A PCL003N C Ninja 400 01/23>12/23 PBL003N A PCL003N C Ninja H2 1000 01/15>12/20 PBL001N A PCL001N B Ninja H2 1000 01/21>12/22 PBL001N A PCL001N B Ninja H2 1000 01/23> PBL001N A PCL001N B MV AGUSTA Brutale 1000 RR 01/19>12/20 PBL001N A PCL001N B Brutale 1000 RR 01/21> PBL001N A PCL001N B F3 675 01/11>12/16 PBL005N A PCL032N B F3 675 01/17>12/20 PBL005N A PCL032N B F3 800 01/13>12/16 PBL005N A PCL032N B F3 800 01/17>12/20 PBL005N A PCL032N B F3 800 01/21> PBL005N A PCL032N B Rush 1000 01/20> PBL001N A PCL001N B Superveloce 800 01/20> PBL005N A PCL032N B SUZUKI GSX R 1000 01/09>12/11 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX R 1000 01/12>12/16 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX R 1000 01/17>12/22 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX R 600 01/06>12/07 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX R 600 01/08>12/10 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX R 600 01/11>12/16 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX R 750 01/06>12/07 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX R 750 01/08>12/10 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX R 750 01/11>12/17 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX S 1000 01/15>12/20 PBL008N A PCL008N C GSX S 1000 F 01/14>12/20 PBL008N A PCL008N C Katana 1000 01/19>12/20 PBL008N A PCL008N C YAMAHA YZF R1 01/04>12/06 PBL002N A PCL002N C YZF R1 01/07>12/08 PBL002N A PCL002N C YZF R1 01/09>12/14 PBL002N A PCL002N C YZF R1 01/15>12/19 PBL031N A PCL002N C YZF R1 01/20> PBL031N A PCL002N C YZF R1 M 01/15>12/19 PBL031N A PCL002N C YZF R1 M 01/20> PBL031N A PCL002N C YZF R6 01/06>12/09 PBL002N A PCL002N C YZF R6 01/10>12/16 PBL002N A PCL002N C YZF R6 01/17> PBL031N A PCL002N C

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 9 LEVE - LEVERS RICAMBI PER LEVE RACE SPARE PARTS FOR RACE LEVERS Art. Descrizione Description Tipo / Type PSB001N Leve Freno Brake Levers A PSC001N Leve Frizione Clutch Levers B PSC002N Leve Frizione Clutch Levers C

10 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 LEVE - LEVERS TERMINALE COLORATO PER LEVA FRENO / FRIZIONE COLORED TERMINAL FOR BRAKE / CLUTCH LEVER La leva STREET offre un look ricercato e la possibilità di personalizzazione tramite il finalino colorato regolabile in lunghezza. Realizzata in ergal 7075, viene lavorata dal pieno e trattata tramite ossidazione anodica dura superficiale. La leva STREET è snodabile e regolabile in 5 posizioni tramite apposito registro. Il sistema di snodo riduce il rischio di rottura della leva in caso di caduta. Le leve sono plug&play e compatibili con i microinterruttori di serie delle moto. Terminale leva da acquistare separatamente. Specifico per leve Street, realizzato in alluminio tramite macchine a controllo numerico e con successiva anodizzazione superficiale. Specific for Street levers, made of aluminum using numerical control machines and with subsequent surface anodization. The STREET lever offers a refined look and the possibility of customization through the colored end piece adjustable in length. Made of ergal 7075, it is machined from solid and treated by surface hard anodic oxidation. The STREET lever is articulated and adjustable in 5 positions using a special register. The joint system reduces the risk of breaking the lever in the event of a fall. The levers are plug&play and compatible with the motorcycle's standard microswitches. Lever end to be purchased separately. PEL001N PEL001V PEL001S PEL001B Blu / Blue Nero / Black Argento / Silver Oro / Gold Rosso / Red Verde / Green Arancione / Orange PEL001G PEL001R PEL001O STREET LEVA FRENO / FRIZIONE BRAKE / CLUTCH LEVER

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 11 LEVE - LEVERS Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Leva freno Brake Lever Leva frizione Clutch Lever APRILIA RSV Mille 01/00>12/04 PBL014N PCL014N RSV1000R 01/04>12/10 PBL013N PCL013N RSV1000R Factory 01/04>12/10 PBL013N PCL013N RSV4 1100 01/21> PBL018N PCL018N RSV4 1100 Factory 01/19> PBL018N PCL018N RSV4 Factory APRC 01/11>12/15 PBL018N PCL018N RSV4 R 01/10>12/15 PBL018N PCL018N RSV4 RF 01/15>12/19 PBL018N PCL018N RSV4 RR 01/16>12/21 PBL018N PCL018N SL1000 Falco 01/00>12/04 PBL014N PCL014N Tuono 1000R 01/03>12/11 PBL014N PCL014N Tuono V4 1100 Factory 01/21> PBL018N PCL018N Tuono V4 1100 RR 01/17>12/21 PBL018N PCL018N BMW F 750 GS 01/18>12/20 PBL029N PCL029N F 750 GS 01/21> PBL029N PCL029N F 850 GS 01/18>12/20 PBL029N PCL029N F 850 GS 01/21> PBL029N PCL029N F 850 GS Adventure 01/19>12/20 PBL029N PCL029N F 850 GS Adventure 01/21> PBL029N PCL029N F 900 R 01/17>12/20 PBL029N PCL029N F 900 R 01/21> PBL029N PCL029N F 900 XR 01/20> PBL029N PCL029N R Nine T 01/14>12/16 PBL030N PCL030N R Nine T 01/17>12/20 PBL030N PCL030N R Nine T 01/21> PBL030N PCL030N R Nine T Pure 01/17>12/20 PBL030N PCL030N R Nine T Pure 01/21> PBL030N PCL030N R Nine T Racer 01/17>12/20 PBL030N PCL030N R Nine T Scrambler 01/16>12/20 PBL030N PCL030N R Nine T Scrambler 01/21> PBL030N PCL030N R Nine T Urban GS 01/17>12/20 PBL030N PCL030N R Nine T Urban GS 01/21> PBL030N PCL030N S 1000 R 01/21> PBL029N PCL029N S 1000 XR 01/20>12/23 PBL029N PCL029N S 1000 XR 01/24> PBL029N PCL029N DUCATI 1098 01/06>12/11 PBL013N PCL013N 1198 01/09>12/12 PBL013N PCL013N 1199 Panigale 01/12>12/14 PBL013N PCL013N 1199 Panigale R 01/13>12/17 PBL013N PCL013N 1199 Panigale S 01/13>12/14 PBL013N PCL013N 1299 Panigale 01/15>12/17 PBL013N PCL013N 1299 Panigale S 01/15>12/18 PBL013N PCL013N 620 Sport 01/03>12/04 PBL015N PCL015N 748 01/95>12/97 PBL015N PCL015N 748 01/98>12/03 PBL014N PCL014N 749 01/03>12/07 PBL013N PCL013N 848 01/07>12/13 PBL013N PCL013N 899 Panigale 01/13>12/15 PBL013N PCL013N Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Leva freno Brake Lever Leva frizione Clutch Lever 916 01/94>12/99 PBL015N PCL015N 959 Panigale 01/16>12/19 PBL013N PCL013N 996 01/98>12/01 PBL014N PCL014N 998 01/01>12/04 PBL014N PCL014N 999 01/02>12/06 PBL013N PCL013N Diavel 1200 01/10>12/18 PBL013N PCL013N Diavel 1260 01/19>12/22 PBL013N PCL013N Diavel V4 01/23> PBL013N PCL026N Hypermotard 1100 01/07>12/09 PBL013N PCL013N Hypermotard 1100 EVO 01/10>12/12 PBL013N PCL013N Hypermotard 796 01/09>12/12 PBL015N PCL015N Hypermotard 821 01/13>12/15 PBL016N PCL016N Hypermotard 821 SP 01/13>12/15 PBL017N PCL017N Hypermotard 939 01/16>12/18 PBL016N PCL016N Hypermotard 939 SP 01/16>12/18 PBL017N PCL017N Hypermotard 950 01/19>12/21 PBL013N PCL013N Hypermotard 950 01/22> PBL013N PCL013N Hyperstrada 821 01/13>12/15 PBL016N PCL016N Hyperstrada 939 01/16>12/18 PBL016N PCL016N Monster 1100 01/09>12/10 PBL013N PCL013N Monster 1200 01/14>12/20 PBL013N PCL013N Monster 400 01/97>12/04 PBL015N PCL015N Monster 600 01/94>12/02 PBL015N PCL015N Monster 695 01/06>12/08 PBL015N PCL015N Monster 750 01/96>12/02 PBL015N PCL015N Monster 796 01/10>12/14 PBL015N PCL015N Monster 797 01/17>12/20 PBL022N PCL022N Monster 800 01/03>12/05 PBL015N PCL015N Monster 821 01/14>12/17 PBL016N PCL016N Monster 821 01/18>12/20 PBL022N PCL022N Monster 937 01/21> PBL026N PCL026N Monster S2R 1000 01/05>12/07 PBL015N PCL015N Monster S4R 01/06>12/08 PBL013N PCL013N Multistrada 1000 01/03>12/06 PBL014N PCL014N Multistrada 1200 01/10>12/16 PBL013N PCL013N Multistrada 1200 Enduro 01/16>12/18 PBL013N PCL013N Multistrada 1260 01/18>12/20 PBL013N PCL013N Multistrada 1260 Enduro 01/19>12/21 PBL013N PCL013N Multistrada 620 01/05>12/07 PBL015N PCL015N Multistrada 950 01/18>12/21 PBL016N PCL016N Multistrada V2 950 01/22> PBL013N PCL013N Multistrada V4 1100 01/21> PBL026N PCL026N Panigale V2 955 01/20> PBL013N PCL013N Panigale V4 1100 01/18>12/21 PBL013N PCL013N Panigale V4 1100 01/22> PBL026N PCL026N Panigale V4 1100 S 01/18>12/21 PBL013N PCL013N Panigale V4 1100 S 01/22> PBL026N PCL026N Scrambler 1100 01/18>12/20 PBL015N PCL015N Scrambler 1100 01/21> PBL015N PCL015N Streetfighter 01/09>12/12 PBL013N PCL013N Streetfighter S 01/09>12/14 PBL013N PCL013N Streetfighter 848 01/11>12/15 PBL013N PCL013N Streetfighter V2 955 01/22> PBL026N PCL026N DISTINTA APPLICAZIONE LEVE FRENO / FRIZIONE BRAKE / CLUTCH LEVER FITTING CHART BRAKE / CLUTCH LEVER

12 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 LEVE - LEVERS Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Leva freno Brake Lever Leva frizione Clutch Lever Streetfighter V4 1100 01/20>12/20 PBL013N PCL013N Streetfighter V4 1100 01/21>12/22 PBL026N PCL026N Streetfighter V4 1100 01/23> PBL026N PCL026N Streetfighter V4 1100 S 01/20>12/20 PBL013N PCL013N Streetfighter V4 1100 S 01/21>12/22 PBL026N PCL026N Streetfighter V4 1100 S 01/23> PBL026N PCL026N SuperSport 939 01/17>12/20 PBL021N PCL021N SuperSport 939 S 01/17>12/20 PBL021N PCL021N SuperSport 950 01/21> PBL026N PCL026N SuperSport 950 S 01/21> PBL026N PCL026N XDiavel 1262 01/16>12/20 PBL013N PCL013N XDiavel 1262 01/21> PBL013N PCL013N HONDA CB 1000 R 01/08>12/17 PBL025N PCL025N CB 1100 01/12>12/17 PBL025N PCL025N CB 1100 EX 01/14>12/16 PBL025N PCL025N CB 1100 EX 01/17>12/21 PBL025N PCL025N CB 1100 RS 01/17>12/20 PBL025N PCL025N CB 1300 01/03>12/12 PBL025N PCL025N Crossrunner 01/10>12/20 PBL025N PCL025N Integra 700 01/11>12/13 PBL025N PCL025N Integra 750 01/14>12/20 PBL025N PCL025N VFR 800 01/02>12/05 PBL025N PCL025N VFR 800 F 01/14>12/16 PBL025N PCL025N VFR 800 F 01/17>12/20 PBL025N PCL025N X-ADV 750 01/17>02/20 PBL025N PCL025N X-ADV 750 01/21> PBL025N PCL025N KAWASAKI Ninja H2 1000 01/15>12/20 PBL013N PCL013N Ninja H2 1000 01/21>12/22 PBL013N PCL013N Ninja H2 1000 01/23> PBL013N PCL013N KTM 1290 Super Duke GT 01/16>12/18 PBL027N PCL027N 1290 Super Duke GT 01/19>12/21 PBL027N PCL027N 1290 Super Duke GT 01/22> PBL027N PCL027N 1290 Super Duke R 01/17>12/23 PBL027N PCL027N MV AGUSTA Brutale 1000 RR 01/19>12/20 PBL013N PCL013N Brutale 1000 RR 01/21> PBL013N PCL013N Brutale 1078 RR 01/07>12/11 PBL028N PCL028N Brutale 1090 01/09>12/19 PBL028N PCL028N Brutale 1090 R 01/12>12/15 PBL028N PCL028N Brutale 1090 RR 01/09>12/19 PBL028N PCL028N Brutale 750 01/01>12/06 PBL028N PCL028N Brutale 800 01/16>12/20 PBL028N PCL028N Brutale 800 01/21> PBL028N PCL028N Brutale 910 01/05>12/11 PBL028N PCL028N Brutale 920 01/11>12/12 PBL028N PCL028N Brutale 989 R 01/07>12/11 PBL028N PCL028N Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Leva freno Brake Lever Leva frizione Clutch Lever Brutale 990 R 01/09>12/12 PBL028N PCL028N Dragster 800 01/14>12/20 PBL028N PCL028N Dragster 800 Rosso 01/21>12/23 PBL028N PCL028N Dragster 800 RR 01/15>12/20 PBL028N PCL028N Dragster 800 RR 01/21> PBL028N PCL028N F4 1000 01/10>12/20 PBL028N PCL028N F4 750 01/00>12/06 PBL028N PCL028N Rush 1000 01/20> PBL013N PCL013N Stradale 800 01/15>12/17 PBL028N PCL028N Turismo Veloce 800 01/14>12/20 PBL028N PCL028N Daytona 675 R 01/10>12/16 PBL024N PCL024N Scrambler 1200 XC 01/19>12/23 PBL024N PCL024N Speed Triple 1050 01/13>12/20 PBL024N PCL024N Speed Triple 1200 RS 01/21> PBL024N PCL024N Speed Twin 1200 01/19> PBL024N PCL024N Street Scrambler 900 01/21>12/23 PBL024N PCL024N Street Triple R 01/13>12/17 PBL024N PCL024N Street Triple R 01/18>02/20 PBL024N PCL024N Street Twin 01/21>12/23 PBL024N PCL024N Thruxton 1200 R 01/17>12/20 PBL024N PCL024N Tiger 850 01/21> PBL024N PCL024N YAMAHA FZ1 01/06>12/16 PBL020N PCL020N FZ8 01/10>12/16 PBL020N PCL020N MT-07 01/14>12/20 PBL020N PCL020N MT-07 01/21> PBL020N PCL020N MT-09 01/13>12/16 PBL020N PCL020N MT-09 01/17>12/20 PBL020N PCL020N MT-10 01/16>12/21 PBL020N PCL020N MT-10 01/22> PBL020N PCL020N T-Max 500 01/08>12/12 PBL019N PCL019N T-Max 530 01/12>12/19 PBL019N PCL019N T-Max 560 01/20>12/21 PBL019N PCL019N T-Max 560 01/22> PBL019N PCL019N Tracer 7 01/21> PBL020N PCL020N Tracer 700 01/16>12/20 PBL020N PCL020N Tracer 900 01/15>12/20 PBL020N PCL020N XJ6 01/08>12/15 PBL020N PCL020N XSR 700 01/16>12/21 PBL020N PCL020N XSR 700 01/22> PBL020N PCL020N XSR 900 01/16>12/21 PBL020N PCL020N XSR 900 01/22> PBL020N PCL020N YZF R1 01/04>12/06 PBL018N PCL018N YZF R1 01/07>12/08 PBL018N PCL018N YZF R1 01/09>12/14 PBL018N PCL018N YZF R1 01/15>12/19 PBL023N PCL023N YZF R1 01/20> PBL023N PCL023N YZF R6 01/06>12/09 PBL018N PCL018N YZF R6 01/10>12/16 PBL018N PCL018N YZF R6 01/17> PBL023N PCL023N DISTINTA APPLICAZIONE LEVE FRENO / FRIZIONE BRAKE / CLUTCH LEVER FITTING CHART BRAKE / CLUTCH LEVER

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 13 SEMIMANUBRI - HALF HANDLEBARS Bracciale semimanubrio off-set 25 ricavato dal pieno e con successivo trattamento di anodizzazione superficiale. Offre un’inclinazione del manubrio di 7 gradi con un’altezza del collare di 32 millimetri. Per garantire maggiore sicurezza, la vite di bloccaggio tubo ha la funzione di sicura. Compatibile con tubi da 250 mm. Off-set 25 half-handlebar bracelet machined from solid and with subsequent surface anodizing treatment. It offers a 7 degree handlebar tilt with a 32 mm collar height. To ensure greater safety, the tube locking screw has a safety function. Compatible with 250 mm tubes. OFF-SET 25 mm Inclinazione Inclination Altezza Height Off-Set Sinistro Left Destro Right 50 mm -7° 0 mm +25 mm PHB001NL PHB001NR 51 mm -7° 0 mm +25 mm PHB002NL PHB002NR 52 mm -7° 0 mm +25 mm PHB003NL PHB003NR 53 mm -7° 0 mm +25 mm PHB004NL PHB004NR 55 mm -7° 0 mm +25 mm PHB005NL PHB005NR CLIP-ON BRACCIALE SEMIMANUBRIO

14 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 SEMIMANUBRI - HALF HANDLEBARS Bracciale semimanubrio off-set 42 ricavati dal pieno e con successivo trattamento di anodizzazione superficiale. Offre un’inclinazione del manubrio di 5 gradi con un’altezza del collare di 32 millimetri. Per garantire maggiore sicurezza, una vite di bloccaggio tubo ha la funzione di sicura. Compatibile con tubi da 270 mm. Off-set 42 half-handlebar bracelet machined from solid and with subsequent surface anodizing treatment. It offers a 5 degree handlebar tilt with a 32mm collar height. To ensure greater safety, a tube locking screw has a safety function. Compatible with 270 mm tubes. CLIP-ON BRACCIALE SEMIMANUBRIO CLIP-ON BRACCIALE SEMIMANUBRIO mm Inclinazione Inclination Altezza Height Off-Set Sinistro Left Destro Right 41 mm -5° 0 mm +42 mm PHB006NL PHB006NR 47 mm -5° 0 mm +42 mm PHB007NL PHB007NR 50 mm -5° 0 mm +42 mm PHB008NL PHB008NR 51 mm -5° 0 mm +42 mm PHB009NL PHB009NR 52 mm -5° 0 mm +42 mm PHB010NL PHB010NR 53 mm -5° 0 mm +42 mm PHB011NL PHB011NR OFF-SET 42 Bracciale semimanubrio off-set 50 ricavato dal pieno con successivo trattamento di anodizzazione superficiale. Offre un’inclinazione del manubrio di 6,5 gradi e un rialzo di 10 millimetri, con un’altezza del collare di 30 millimetri. Per garantire maggiore sicurezza, una vite di bloccaggio tubo ha la funzione di sicura. Compatibile con tubi da 270 mm. Off-set 50 half-handlebar bracelet machined from solid with subsequent surface anodizing treatment. It offers 6.5 degrees of handlebar tilt and 10mm rise, with a 30mm collar height. To ensure greater safety, a tube locking screw has a safety function. Compatible with 270 mm tubes. mm Inclinazione Inclination Altezza Height Off-Set Sinistro Left Destro Right 47 mm -6,5° +10 mm +42 mm PHB012NL PHB012NR 48 mm -6,5° +10 mm +42 mm PHB013NL PHB013NR 50 mm -6,5° +10 mm +42 mm PHB014NL PHB014NR 53 mm -6,5° +10 mm +42 mm PHB015NL PHB015NR OFF-SET 50

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 15 SEMIMANUBRI - HALF HANDLEBARS STEERING DAMPER SUPPORT SUPPORTO PER AMMORTIZZATORE DI STERZO Bracciale diametro 53 millimetri per supporto ammortizzatore di sterzo Ducati Panigale, ricavato dal pieno e con successivo trattamento di anodizzazione superficiale. Diameter 53 mm bracelet for Ducati Panigale steering damper support, machined from solid and with subsequent surface anodizing treatment. Tubo per bracciale semimanubrio realizzato dal pieno in lega leggera e sottoposto a successiva anodizzazione superficiale (2 tappi inclusi). Tube for half-handlebar bracelet made from light alloy billet and subjected to subsequent surface anodization (2 caps included). HANDLEBAR TUBE TUBO SEMIMANUBRIO Art. Lunghezza Length Compatibilità Compatibility PHT001N 250 mm OFF-SET 25 PHT002N 270 mm OFF-SET 42 / 50 Art. mm Compatibilità Compatibility PHB016N 53 mm Ducati Panigale

16 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 SEMIMANUBRI - HALF HANDLEBARS Marca e modello Anno RIALZATO / RAISED OFF-SET 25 OFF-SET 42 ACCESSORI Make and Model Year DX (R) SX (L) DX (R) SX (L) DX (R) SX (L) Extra APRILIA RS660 01/21> PHB002NR PHB002NL PHB009NR PHB009NL RSV Mille 01/00>12/04 PHB002NR PHB002NL PHB009NR PHB009NL RSV1000R 01/04>12/10 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL RSV1000R Factory 01/04>12/10 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL RSV4 1100 Factory 01/19> PHB002NR PHB002NL PHB009NR PHB009NL RSV4 Factory APRC 01/11>12/15 PHB002NR PHB002NL PHB009NR PHB009NL RSV4 R 01/10>12/15 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL RSV4 RF 01/15>12/19 PHB002NR PHB002NL PHB009NR PHB009NL RSV4 RR 01/16>12/21 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL BMW S 1000 RR 01/09>12/11 PHB005NR PHB005NL S 1000 RR 01/12>12/14 PHB005NR PHB005NL S 1000 RR 01/15>12/18 PHB005NR PHB005NL S 1000 RR 01/19>12/20 PHB005NR PHB005NL S 1000 RR 01/21>12/22 PHB005NR PHB005NL S 1000 RR 01/23> PHB005NR PHB005NL DUCATI 1098 01/06>12/11 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL 1198 01/09>12/12 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL 1199 Panigale 01/12>12/14 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N 1199 Panigale R 01/13>12/17 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N 1199 Panigale S 01/13>12/14 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N 1299 Panigale 01/15>12/17 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N 1299 Panigale S 01/15>12/18 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N 748 01/95>12/97 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL 749 01/03>12/07 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL 848 01/07>12/13 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL 899 Panigale 01/13>12/15 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N 916 01/94>12/99 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL 959 Panigale 01/16>12/19 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N 998 01/01>12/04 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL 999 01/02>12/06 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL Panigale V2 955 01/20> PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N Panigale V4 1100 01/18>12/21 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N Panigale V4 1100 01/22> PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N Panigale V4 1100 S 01/18>12/21 PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N Panigale V4 1100 S 01/22> PHB015NR PHB015NL PHB004NR PHB004NL PHB011NR PHB011NL PHB016N HONDA CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/04>12/05 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/06>12/07 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/08>12/11 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/12>12/16 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/17>12/19 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade 01/20>12/23 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade 01/24> PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade SP 01/20>12/23 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade SP 01/24> PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL CBR 600 RR 01/07>12/16 PHB013NR PHB013NL KAWASAKI Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/04>12/05 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/06>12/07 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/08>12/11 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL DISTINTA APPLICAZIONE BRACCIALI SEMIMANUBRIO HALF HANDLEBARS FITTING CHART CLIP-ON

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 17 SEMIMANUBRI - HALF HANDLEBARS Marca e modello Anno RIALZATO / RAISED OFF-SET 25 OFF-SET 42 ACCESSORI Make and Model Year DX (R) SX (L) DX (R) SX (L) DX (R) SX (L) Extra Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/12>12/16 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/17>12/20 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/21> PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Ninja 400 01/18>12/21 PHB006NR PHB006NL Ninja 400 01/23>12/23 PHB006NR PHB006NL Ninja 400 ZX-4R 01/24> PHB006NR PHB006NL Ninja 600 ZX-6R 01/03>12/08 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Ninja 600 ZX-6R 01/09>12/16 PHB002NR PHB002NL PHB009NR PHB009NL Ninja 636 ZX-6R 01/13>12/18 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Ninja 636 ZX-6R 01/19>12/20 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Ninja 750 ZX-7R 01/96>12/02 PHB003NR PHB003NL PHB010NR PHB010NL Ninja 900 ZX-9R 01/94>12/97 PHB003NR PHB003NL PHB010NR PHB010NL MV AGUSTA F3 675 01/11>12/16 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL F3 675 01/17>12/20 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL F3 800 01/13>12/16 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL F3 800 01/17>12/20 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL F3 800 01/21> PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL SUZUKI GSX R 1000 01/05>12/06 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL GSX R 1000 01/07>12/08 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL GSX R 1000 01/09>12/11 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL GSX R 1000 01/12>12/16 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL GSX R 1000 01/17>12/22 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL GSX R 600 01/06>12/07 PHB013NR PHB013NL GSX R 600 01/08>12/10 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL GSX R 600 01/11>12/16 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL GSX R 750 01/06>12/07 PHB013NR PHB013NL GSX R 750 01/08>12/10 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL GSX R 750 01/11>12/17 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL TRIUMPH Daytona 675 01/07>12/16 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Daytona 675 R 01/10>12/16 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL Daytona 765 01/19>12/20 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YAMAHA YZF R1 01/04>12/06 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R1 01/07>12/08 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R1 01/09>12/14 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R1 01/15>12/19 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R1 01/20> PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R1 M 01/15>12/19 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R1 M 01/20> PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R3 01/15>12/18 PHB006NR PHB006NL YZF R3 01/19>12/21 PHB012NR PHB012NL PHB007NR PHB007NL YZF R3 01/22> PHB012NR PHB012NL PHB007NR PHB007NL YZF R6 01/06>12/09 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R6 01/10>12/16 PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R6 01/17> PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL YZF R7 01/21> PHB014NR PHB014NL PHB001NR PHB001NL PHB008NR PHB008NL DISTINTA APPLICAZIONE BRACCIALI SEMIMANUBRIO HALF HANDLEBARS FITTING CHART CLIP-ON

18 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 ACCESSORI MANUBRIO - HANDLEBAR ACCESSORIES LEVER PROTECTION Protezione leva freno in alluminio anodizzato lavorato dal pieno su centri di lavoro CNC. Un set di espansioni permette il montaggio su tubolari con diametro interno da 14 a 19,5 millimetri. Brake lever protection in anodized aluminum machined from solid. A set of aluminium expansions allows mounting on tubulars with a diameter from 14 to 19.5 mm. PROTEZIONE LEVA Ø 14-19,5 mm Art. Lato Side PLG002NR Freno Brake

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 19 ACCESSORI MANUBRIO - HANDLEBAR ACCESSORIES LEVER PROTECTION Protezione leva freno/frizione in alluminio anodizzato e materiale termoplastico composito con fibra di vetro che ne garantisce una rigidità e resistenza superiore. Un set di espansioni in alluminio permette il montaggio su tubolari con diametro da 14 a 19,5 millimetri. Dettaglio colorato personalizzabile in 7 colori. Brake / clutch lever protection in anodized aluminum and fiberglass composite thermoplastic material which guarantees superior rigidity and resistance. A set of aluminium expansions allows mounting on tubulars with a diameter from 14 to 19.5 mm. Colored detail that can be customized in 7 colours. PROTEZIONE LEVA PLG001NR Freno / Brake PLG001NL Frizione / Clutch PLG001SR Freno / Brake PLG001SL Frizione / Clutch PLG001BR Freno / Brake PLG001BL Frizione / Clutch PLG001GR Freno / Brake PLG001GL Frizione / Clutch PLG001VR Freno / Brake PLG001VL Frizione / Clutch PLG001RR Freno / Brake PLG001RL Frizione / Clutch PLG001OR Freno / Brake PLG001OL Frizione / Clutch Ø 14-19,5 mm Nero / Black Argento / Silver Oro / Gold Rosso / Red Verde / Green Blu / Blue Arancione / Orange

20 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 ACCESSORI MANUBRIO - HANDLEBAR ACCESSORIES BAR-ENDS Contrappesi manubrio realizzati in alluminio tramite macchine a controllo numerico e successiva anodizzazione superficiale. Il kit include espansioni in gomma per il montaggio su tubolari di diametro interno da 14 a 19,5 millimetri. 3 espansioni incluse 3 expansions included Handlebar bar-ends made of aluminum using numerical control machines and subsequent surface anodization. The kit includes rubber expansions for mounting on tubulars with internal diameter from 14 to 19.5 mm. CONTRAPPESI MANUBRIO PBE001N PBE001S PBE001G PBE001R PBE001B PBE001V PBE001O Ø 14-19,5 mm Nero / Black Argento / Silver Oro / Gold Rosso / Red Verde / Green Blu / Blue Arancione / Orange

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 21 INDICATORI DI DIREZIONE - TURN SIGNALS TURN SIGNALS Gli indicatori di direzione Project 001 offrono un design essenziale, ipermoderno creando un nuovo riferimento nel settore degli indicatori. L’utilizzo di tecnologia a led COB di ultimissima generazione e le dimensioni della parte luminosa garantiscono una visibilità senza precedenti, rispettando le omologazioni per l’utilizzo stradale. The Project 001 direction indicators offer an essential, hyper-modern design creating a new reference in the indicator sector. The use of the latest generation COB LED technology and the dimensions of the luminous part guarantee unprecedented visibility while respecting the approvals for road use. INDICATORI DI DIREZIONE Art. Colore Colour PTS001N Nero Black PROJECT 001 Omologati Homologated

22 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 INDICATORI DI DIREZIONE - TURN SIGNALS TURN SIGNALS Gli indicatori di direzione Project 002 adottano un design ad aletta che ne esalta l’aerodinamicità, offrono una straordinaria visibilità grazie all’utilizzo della tecnologia a led COB di ultimissima generazione. Un design ricercato in tutti i dettagli permette l’utilizzo degli indicatori in 2 posizioni ed entrambe omologate per l’utilizzo stradale. The Project 002 direction indicators adopt a wing design that enhances their aerodynamics, they offer extraordinary visibility thanks to the use of the latest generation COB LED technology. A refined design in all the details allows the use of the indicators in 2 positions and both approved for road use. INDICATORI DI DIREZIONE Art. Colore Colour PTS002N Nero Black PROJECT 002 Omologati Homologated Vertical Horizzontal

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 23 INDICATORI DI DIREZIONE - TURN SIGNALS TURN SIGNALS Gli indicatori di direzione Project 003 sono il risultato di una costante ricerca all’innovazione e al design. Segnano un ulteriore passo avanti nel settore, sono i primi nel loro genere a sfruttare la tecnologia a LED COB combinata ad un lampeggio sequenziale, capace di offrire un effetto visivo distintivo durante l'accensione con una sequenza continua e uniforme. Disponibili tre versioni: frecce standard, frecce con luci di posizione integrate (uso anteriore), frecce con luci di posizione e stop integrate (uso posteriore). Queste soluzioni assicurano una visibilità senza eguali durante il giorno e la notte, rispettando gli standard di omologazione per l'utilizzo su strada. The Project 003 direction indicators are the result of constant research into innovation and design. They mark a further step forward in the sector, they are the first of their kind to exploit COB LED technology combined with sequential flashing, capable of offering a distinctive visual effect during switching on with a continuous and uniform sequence. Three versions available: standard indicators, indicators with integrated position lights (front use), indicators with integrated position and stop lights (rear use). These solutions ensure unrivaled visibility during the day and night, respecting the approval standards for use on the road. INDICATORI DI DIREZIONE PROJECT 003 Omologati Homologated POSTERIORI | REAR Art. Colore Colour PTS003N Nero Black Art. Colore Colour PTS003NF Nero Black Art. Colore Colour PTS003NR Nero Black FRECCIA | SIDE INDICATOR ANTERIORI | FRONT

24 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 TAPPI E SERBATOI - CAPS AND TANKS PTF001N PTF001V PTF001S PTF001B PTF001G PTF001R PTF001O CHIUSURA TAPPO SERBATOIO CARBURANTE FUEL TANK CAP CLOSURE La flangia per il tappo serbatoio carburante è lavorata dal pieno tramite macchine a controllo numerico e viene successivamente sottoposta al processo di anodizzazione dura superficiale. La flangia per il tappo del serbatoio sostituisce senza bisogno di modifiche quella originale. Il tappo di chiusura viene venduto separatamente per consentirne la personalizzazione. La chiusura a sgancio rapido (senza chiave) per il tappo del serbatoio carburante viene lavorata dal pieno tramite macchine a controllo numerico. Viene successivamente sottoposta al processo di anodizzazione dura superficiale. Prodotto compatibile con le flange serbatoio Paraxite. The quick release (keyless) tank cap is CNC machined from solid material. It is then subjected to the surface hard anodizing process. The closure for the tank cap replaces the original one without any need for modifications. Product compatible with Paraxite tank flanges. The flange for the fuel tank cap is machined from solid using numerical control machines and is then subjected to the surface hard anodizing process.The flange for the tank cap replaces the original one without the need for modifications. The tank cap closure is sold separately for customization. FLANGIA PER TAPPO SERBATOIO CARBURANTE FUEL TANK CAP FLANGE Nero / Black Blu / Blue Argento / Silver Oro / Gold Rosso / Red Verde / Green Arancione / Orange

PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 25 TAPPI E SERBATOI - CAPS AND TANKS Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Art. APRILIA RS 125 (6 fori / 6 holes) 01/06>12/14 PFC007N RS 125 (6 fori / 6 holes) 01/17>12/20 PFC007N RS 125 (6 fori / 6 holes) 01/21> PFC007N RS 250 (6 fori / 6 holes) 01/95>12/02 PFC007N RS4 125 (6 fori / 6 holes) 01/11>12/18 PFC007N RS660 01/21> PFC007N RSV Mille 01/00>12/04 PFC007N RSV1000R 01/04>12/10 PFC002N RSV1000R Factory 01/04>12/10 PFC002N RSV4 Factory APRC 01/11>12/15 PFC002N RSV4 R 01/10>12/15 PFC002N RSV4 RF 01/15>12/19 PFC002N RSV4 RR 01/16>12/21 PFC002N Tuono 660 01/21> PFC007N Tuono 660 Factory 01/22> PFC007N Tuono V4 1100 Factory 01/15>12/20 PFC002N Tuono V4 1100 RR 01/17>12/21 PFC002N BMW R 1200 GS 01/08>12/09 PFC003N R 1200 GS 01/10>12/12 PFC003N R Nine T Scrambler 01/16>12/20 PFC003N S 1000 R 01/14>12/16 PFC003N S 1000 R 01/17>12/20 PFC003N S 1000 R 01/21> PFC003N S 1000 RR 01/15>12/18 PFC003N S 1000 RR 01/19>12/20 PFC003N S 1000 RR 01/21>12/22 PFC003N S 1000 RR 01/23> PFC003N DUCATI 1098 01/06>12/11 PFC001N 1198 01/09>12/12 PFC001N 1199 Panigale 01/12>12/14 PFC004N 1199 Panigale R 01/13>12/17 PFC004N 1299 Panigale 01/15>12/17 PFC004N 848 01/07>12/13 PFC001N 899 Panigale 01/13>12/15 PFC004N 959 Panigale 01/16>12/19 PFC004N Diavel 1200 01/10>12/18 PFC004N Diavel 1260 01/19>12/22 PFC015N Diavel V4 01/23> PFC004N Hypermotard 950 01/19>12/21 PFC015N Hypermotard 950 01/22> PFC015N Monster 1000 01/03>12/05 PFC001N Monster 1100 01/09>12/10 PFC004N Monster 1200 01/14>12/20 PFC001N Monster 400 01/97>12/04 PFC001N Monster 600 01/94>12/02 PFC001N Monster 695 01/06>12/08 PFC001N Monster 696 01/08>12/14 PFC004N Monster 750 01/96>12/02 PFC001N Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Art. Monster 796 01/10>12/14 PFC004N Monster 797 01/17>12/20 PFC001N Monster 821 01/14>12/17 PFC001N Monster 821 01/18>12/20 PFC001N Monster 900 01/97>12/02 PFC001N Monster 937 01/21> PFC001N Monster S2R 1000 01/05>12/07 PFC001N Monster S4R 01/03>12/05 PFC001N Monster S4R 01/06>12/08 PFC001N Multistrada 1200 01/10>12/16 PFC015N Multistrada 1260 01/18>12/20 PFC015N Multistrada 950 01/18>12/21 PFC015N Multistrada V2 950 01/22> PFC015N Multistrada V4 1100 01/21> PFC015N Panigale V2 955 01/20> PFC004N Panigale V4 1100 01/18>12/21 PFC004N Panigale V4 1100 S 01/18>12/21 PFC004N Scrambler 1100 01/18>12/20 PFC004N Scrambler 1100 01/21> PFC004N Scrambler 400 Sixty 2 01/16>12/21 PFC004N Scrambler 800 Cafè Racer 01/17>12/21 PFC004N Scrambler 800 Desert Sled 01/17>12/22 PFC004N Scrambler 800 Full Throttle 01/15>12/21 PFC004N Scrambler 800 Icon 01/15>12/20 PFC004N Streetfighter 01/09>12/12 PFC004N Streetfighter S 01/09>12/14 PFC004N Streetfighter 848 01/11>12/15 PFC004N Streetfighter V2 955 01/22> PFC004N Streetfighter V4 1100 01/20>12/20 PFC004N Streetfighter V4 1100 01/21>12/22 PFC004N Streetfighter V4 1100 01/23> PFC004N Streetfighter V4 1100 S 01/20>12/20 PFC004N Streetfighter V4 1100 S 01/21>12/22 PFC004N Streetfighter V4 1100 S 01/23> PFC004N SuperSport 939 01/17>12/20 PFC001N SuperSport 939 S 01/17>12/20 PFC001N SuperSport 950 01/21> PFC001N SuperSport 950 S 01/21> PFC001N HONDA CB 1300 01/03>12/12 PFC010N CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/04>12/05 PFC010N CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/06>12/07 PFC010N CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/08>12/11 PFC010N CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/12>12/16 PFC016N CBR 1000 RR Fireblade 01/17>12/19 PFC009N CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade 01/20>12/23 PFC009N CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade 01/24> PFC009N CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade SP 01/20>12/23 PFC009N CBR 1000 RR-R Fireblade SP 01/24> PFC009N CBR 500 R 01/17>12/18 PFC009N CBR 500 R 01/19>12/23 PFC009N CBR 500 R 01/24> PFC009N DISTINTA APPLICAZIONE FITTING CHART FUEL TANK CAP FLANGE

26 PARAXITE ACCESSORIES 2023 TAPPI E SERBATOI - CAPS AND TANKS Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Art. CBR 600 F 01/99>12/06 PFC010N CBR 600 RR 01/07>12/16 PFC010N CBR 650 F 01/14>12/18 PFC009N CBR 650 R 01/19>12/23 PFC009N CBR 650 R 01/24> PFC009N CBR 900 RR 01/00>12/04 PFC010N Hornet 600 01/98>12/06 PFC010N Hornet 900 01/02>12/06 PFC010N KAWASAKI ER-6F 01/06>12/16 PFC005N ER-6N 01/06>12/16 PFC005N Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/06>12/07 PFC005N Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/08>12/11 PFC005N Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/12>12/16 PFC005N Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/17>12/20 PFC005N Ninja 1000 ZX-10R 01/21> PFC011N Ninja 1000 ZX-10RR 01/17>12/20 PFC005N Ninja 1000 ZX-10RR 01/21> PFC011N Ninja 400 01/18>12/21 PFC011N Ninja 400 01/23>12/23 PFC011N Ninja 400 ZX-4R 01/24> PFC011N Ninja 600 ZX-6R 01/09>12/16 PFC005N Ninja 636 ZX-6R 01/19>12/20 PFC011N Ninja 650 01/17>12/19 PFC011N Ninja H2 1000 01/15>12/20 PFC005N Ninja H2 1000 SX 01/22> PFC011N Versys 1000 01/11>12/14 PFC005N Versys 650 01/06>12/14 PFC005N Z 1000 01/10>12/13 PFC005N Z 1000 01/14>12/20 PFC005N Z 1000 SX 01/11>12/20 PFC005N Z 650 01/17>12/20 PFC011N Z 650 01/21> PFC011N Z 750 01/07>12/14 PFC005N Z 800 01/12>12/16 PFC005N Z 900 01/17>12/20 PFC011N Z 900 01/21> PFC011N Z H2 1000 01/20> PFC011N ZZR 1400 01/06>12/20 PFC005N KTM 1290 Super Duke R 01/14>12/16 PFC013N 1290 Super Duke R 01/17>12/23 PFC013N 390 Duke 01/17>12/20 PFC021N 390 Duke 01/21>12/23 PFC021N Marca e modello Make and Model Anno Year Art. 790 Duke 01/18>12/20 PFC021N 890 Duke 01/20>12/23 PFC021N RC 390 01/15>12/20 PFC021N RC 390 01/21> PFC021N MV AGUSTA Brutale 1000 RR 01/21> PFC012N Brutale 1090 01/09>12/19 PFC012N Brutale 1090 R 01/12>12/15 PFC012N Brutale 1090 RR 01/09>12/19 PFC012N Brutale 675 01/11>12/16 PFC007N Brutale 800 01/12>12/15 PFC007N Brutale 800 01/16>12/20 PFC007N Brutale 800 01/21> PFC007N Brutale 920 01/11>12/12 PFC012N Brutale 990 R 01/09>12/12 PFC012N Dragster 800 01/14>12/20 PFC007N Dragster 800 Rosso 01/21>12/23 PFC007N Dragster 800 RR 01/15>12/20 PFC007N Dragster 800 RR 01/21> PFC007N F3 675 01/11>12/16 PFC007N F3 675 01/17>12/20 PFC007N F3 800 01/13>12/16 PFC007N F3 800 01/17>12/20 PFC007N F3 800 01/21> PFC007N F4 1000 01/10>12/20 PFC012N Rivale 800 01/13>12/17 PFC007N Rivale 800 01/18>12/19 PFC007N Rush 1000 01/20> PFC012N SUZUKI Bandit 1250 01/15>12/17 PFC006N Gladius 650 01/09>12/15 PFC006N GSX 1300 R Hayabusa 01/07>12/17 PFC006N GSX R 1000 01/07>12/08 PFC006N GSX R 1000 01/09>12/11 PFC006N GSX R 1000 01/12>12/16 PFC006N GSX R 1000 01/17>12/22 PFC006N GSX R 250 01/17>12/20 PFC006N GSX R 600 01/06>12/07 PFC006N GSX R 600 01/08>12/10 PFC006N GSX R 600 01/11>12/16 PFC006N GSX R 750 01/06>12/07 PFC006N GSX R 750 01/08>12/10 PFC006N GSX R 750 01/11>12/17 PFC006N GSX S 750 01/17>12/20 PFC006N DISTINTA APPLICAZIONE FITTING CHART FUEL TANK CAP FLANGE